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The Sixes of Happiness

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Ayurvedsutra 10a - The Sixes of Happiness

Ayurveda is useful for everyone because the main object of Ayurveda is to preserve and maintain health.

When i was a kid back in the 50’s my grandmother got very sick. We were very close and it was painful for me to see her so sick. She have a Nephritic Syndrome with high blood pressure and and swelling.  The doctor at the local hospital was not even able to feel her pulse due to swelling. There were no powerful antibiotics or diuretics at that time and we were told that there was no way to help her. Reluctant to give up, my father called an Ayurvedic doctor, who made a special formula for my grandmother. He gave me precise instructions that i had to follow to prepare a daily Ayurvedic concoction for her.

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Ayurvedsutra 10 - The Sixes of Happiness

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