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Water Cure

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Ayurvedsutra 3a - Water Cure

How much water should you drink should be decided on the basis of your body constitution, health status and season.

Have you ever given a thought to your daily intake of water? How much of it is good? How much is optimum? If the question makes you ponder, ayurveda has the answer. Acharya Vagbhata has described in the text ‘Ashtang Sangraha’  about water to be drunk the whole day – when and how much water one should drink; in which diseases water is contraindicated, and in which diseases it is advised to drink ample amount of water.

Lets’ take an overview of important details related to drinking water described in ayurveda.

Ajirnebheshajamwaari jirnewaaribalapradam /

Bhojanamchaamrutamwaari bhojanantevishapradam// Vai. Su.

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Ayurvedsutra 31 - Water Cure

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