7 Keys to Practice
One way of making the Yoga Sutras simpler and more accessible is to initially focus on a small number of the more straightforward, practical suggestions that contain foundation principles and practices. Following are seven such practices that will open the door to the deeper practices of the Yoga Sutras.
Make choices that lead to stable tranquility: In yoga, one of the central principles against which all decisions in life are made is the question of what will bring you in the direction of a stable tranquility. This is the meaning of the word abhyasa, which means practices. Cultivating and training yourself in this art of decision making will consistently lead you in the direction of inner peace and Self-realization. Repeatedly ask yourself, “Is this useful or not useful? Will this lead me in the right direction or the wrong direction?” Then, you can move in that direction with conviction, and in a spirit of non-attachment.