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Yoga for the Family

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 2 issue 12 43 - Yoga for the Family

Beginning early brings truth to the old adage “prevention is better than cure”. Though Yoga does help in treatment of diseases. This is not its only goal.

“Yoga means togetherness of awareness and body. It is a practical science aiming at the realization of the ultimate- Moksha. My purpose is to remove the misconception that Yoga is for the elderly and the sick. The practice of Yoga should ideally be commenced in early childhood when the body is by nature loose and flexible. Beginning early brings truth to the old adage “Prevention is better than cure”. Though Yoga does help in treatment of diseases, this is not its only goal.

Ancient masters like Patanjali have made mankind aware of the fact that Yoga is a science which is practical and usable with guaranteed scope of growth at all levels of human existence – physical, mental, emotional, physiological and spiritual. Its sole principles is to progress from a state of doing to the state of non-going.


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