
The Moon song

Lions of the Serengeti in Tanzania are night predators, and are most successful in getting their prey during the darkest phases of the moon. But how do their prey react to the moon’s phases ? The moon influences life with

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Like humans, animals form complex societies

For both, humans and animals, living in a group makes sense because there are many more beings to provide vigilance and defence, mating is easier, help is available, heat is conserved better. Foraging is easier. So is babysitting, feeding, sleeping,

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Living in a group

For both, humans and animals, living in a group makes sense because there are many more beings to provide vigilance and defence, mating is easier, help is available, heat is conserved better. Ants and bees have become paragons of a

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Plants or Animals

Mesodinium chamaeleon, a strange green creature found in Denmark that lives at the bottom of the sea, is causing researchers to rethink traditional ways of classifying living organisms. Traditionally there is a difference between animals and plants: • Animals cannot

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Mythical Animals

Other countries celebrate their mythical animals. Garuda belongs to Indian mythology but is the national bird and symbol of Indonesia. The Phoenix or Homa is revered in Iran. Here are some we should know:  Byangoma/Byangomi are the legendary birds of

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24 Gurus of Dattatreya

The Air to Dattatreya was a symbol of pure consciousness. Pervading everywhere, yet uncontaminated, carrying fragrance, but not being the fragrance, it teaches detachment, never staying in any one place, always moving. I became a grandmother last month – Anasuyaa

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It’s not love at first sight but at first smell.

Birds will often pick at their feathers and flick their wings as a way of attracting the attentions of the opposite sex. Scarlett Macaws will preen themselves, and each other, during courtship. The peacock’s tail is a famous example of sexual selection. The

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When Young people join dog walking companies

 I was taken aback by the gentleness of the walkers and the fact that all the dogs got on with each other. Taking fifteen dogs out together, all of different sizes, from the very small to the very large, is a

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