
CRUEL Rajasik and IMMORAL Tamasik

The Bhagavad Gita lays a lot of emphasis on the impact of gunas on the human mind. It says,“karmanah sukrtasyāhuh sāttvikah nirmalah phalam, rajasas tu phalam duhkham ajñānam tamasah phalam”. (Chapter 14, Shloka 16) “They say that the fruit of

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Mind & Heart together define Human Nature

Rajas, Sattva and Tamas are mixed up with one another. They are attached to one another, and likewise follow one another. It is very rare that a person is found to be entirely Sattvik, Rajasik or Tamasik. Don’t let the

By Dr. Meeta Kotecha Posted on