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Ayush treatment management in dengue is simple and effective

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Dengue Mos - Ayush treatment management in dengue is simple and effective

New Delhi. Dengue  fever, also known as break-bone fever, is an infectious tropical disease
caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint
pains, and a characteristic skin rash. In a small number of cases, the disease develops
into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels
of blood platelets and plasma leakage or into dengue shock syndrome, whereDengue Mos - Ayush treatment management in dengue is simple and effectivedangerously low blood pressure occurs.

Ayush department has released Guidelines for AYUSH Practitioners for Clinical Management of Dengue. Here are the important points sourced from the document-

In Ayurvedic perspectives, it comes under the category of Abhishangaja Jvara
predominantly Pittaja in pathological ground. The complications represent Raktaja
and Sannipataja Jvara.
 Take light, nutritive, warm and easily digestible foods and proper rest and sleep
and maintain personal and environmental hygiene
 Avoid chilled foods & drinks, strenuous exertion and stressful conditions.
 Have cold milk with sugar candy
 Consume 2 gram Shunthi (Dry Ginger) powder twice daily with infusion prepared
by adding 5 gram (one teaspoonful) of Guduchi (Giloye) powder in 100 ml (1/2
glass) of boiled water. Dose for children between 6 to 12 years of age will be half
and for children below 6 years will be one fourth. One teaspoon of honey can be
added to the infusion; and/or.
 One liter of water boiled with 10-15 Tulsi leaves and 10-15 gram Dhania
(Coriander) powder for ten minutes and cooled to room temperature may be
consumed at intervals of 3-4 hours in a day.
1. Drug
In addition to above routine treatment, any of the following anti-pyretic formulations
may be added:
 For Fever
 In initial phase, Kwath prepared of Dhamasa, Parpat, Kiratatikta, Musta may be
advised. In case of Raktaja Jvara (Hemorrhagic condition), add Vasa, Rakta
Chandana & Yashtimadhu along with sugar candy (Mishri).
 Shamshamani Vati (Guduchi Ghana Vati)
 Sudarshanaghana Vati
 Godanti Bhasma
 Amritottara Kwath
 Tulsi Svarasa
 For Dehydration
 Shadanga Paneeya
 Dhanyakadi Hima (Dhaniya, Amla, Vasa, Draksha, Parpat)
 Water of cardamom and clove
 Green coconut water
 Any of these liquid preparations may be given in suitable quantity in 3 – 4
hours interval.
 The dose and duration of the treatment may be decided by the physician according
to the condition of the patient.
 Visit your nearest qualified doctor or health service centre immediately if you
develop any symptoms of dengue like:
• Fever • Rash • Body ache • Headache • Joint pains • Pain in eyes • Unexplained

General Instructions for prevention:
1. Screens/nets on doors and windows.
2. Wear full sleeved shirts, pants, shoes and socks to keep body covered.
3. Use mosquito net.
4. Use mosquito repellents.
5. Do not keep open water and clean water logging.

Naturopathy & Yoga and Dengue

Naturopathy & Yoga, which are essentially drugless systems of health care,
focus on the prevention of the disease as well as management. Nevertheless,
these systems help to enhance the immunity of a person, by being close to
the Nature, by adopting Naturopathy & Yogic lifestyle and other simple
practices, which can be easily adopted by any person. These systems also give
emphasis on the cleanliness – both internal and external. Moreover, both
Naturopathy & Yoga have several practices/ techniques in the name of
eliminative treatments and shatkarma respectively. All these focus on the
elimination of morbid matter from the body and in turn to improve the vitality
of a person.
In feverish condition, either it may be dengue or any other fever, the following
practices can be employed to reduce the body temperature and other
1. Fasting could be a best eliminative treatment. However, plain water
fasting is not advisable. Patient can be on fruit juices or any other liquid
avoiding the solid food and foods that could be easily digested may be
2. Plain luke warm water enema will further facilitate the elimination and
internal cleansing. It can be taken daily for few days.
3. Ice cold wet pack on the forehead and abdomen can be applied for
about 20 minutes, which can be repeated after every 2 hours or more
frequently, till the temperature subsides.
4. Hot foot immersion, with an ice cold wet towel on the head could help
the patient to sweat. Sweating will reduce body temperature quickly.
5. Consume lot of liquids in the form of plain water, fruit or vegetable
juices, tender coconut water, lemon honey water or wheat grass juice.
6. Patient can also practice Nadishudhi/ Anuloma viloma pranayama,
Sitali & Sitkari and Bhramari pranayama (may be each 9 rounds twice
The above practices can be practiced simultaneously along with the

Dengue in Siddha
Siddha system of Medicine describes all types of pyrexia under a heading Suram. It
includes the vector borne diseases like malaria, dengue. Siddha correlates dengue to Pitha
Siddha literature, ‘Agastiyar sura nool 300’ describes that the ‘Pitha suram’ can cause
bleeding and it can be correlated to the hemorrhage in dengue fever. The symptoms
described by the above mentioned text can also be correlated to those given in the definition
of Dengue Fever.
Treatment in Siddha System:
1. Nilavembu Kudineer – 30 ml two times a day for 7 days.
2. Papaya Leaf Juice – 10 ml two times a day for 7 days.
Nilavembu kudineer – 30 ml two times a day for 3 days.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever:
10-20 drops of Adathodai (Justicia adathoda) leaf juice mixed with equal quantity of honey
may be given for Dengue hemorrhagic fever.
In dengue hemorrhagic fever it is better to give drugs which are styptics and which will
increase the platelet count. Along with any one of the above said prescriptions the following
should be added.
Prescription Guide lines:
Management of Fever
Nilavembu kudineer, Pittasura kudineer, Bramhananda Bairavam Tablet.
Prevention of Hemorrhagic symptoms
 Imbural vatakam
 Padiga poongavi Chenduram
 Kavikkal Chooranam
 General health improvement
 Nellikai lehyam – 5 Gm BID
 Triphalachooranam tablet – 2 BID
 Amukkara chooranam tablet- 2
Prevention of recurrence:
Regular usage of Nilavembu Kudineer and Adathodai Kudineer will help much.
Haemorrhage – Papaya leaf juice 5 ml Daily increases platelet production.

*Source : Guidelines for AYUSH Practitioners for Clinical Management of Dengue

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