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Effect Of Yogasan In The Infertility

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 12 50 a - Effect Of Yogasan In The Infertility

In Ancient times, probably because there was no microscope, sperm and seminal fluid were not known as separate entities both were known as shukra dhatu. The shukra dhatu is the last of hierarchical tissue and therefore it’s quality is influenced by the quality of prior tissues. further any abnormality in the shukra dhatu leads to either infertility or congenital anomalies in the child. Ancient physician have described characteristic features of fertile shukra dhatu thus, the semen should be produced in large quantities ,should be thick and viscous in consistency, sweet in taste with sweet honey like odor and white in colour. Achary Charka, has described four main causes of infertility namely 1. Bijopaghat– Anatomical or quantitative abnormalities in sperm  2.Shukra-Sankshay– Deficiency in seminal fluid 3.Dhwajopaghat– Defect in penile function (either in erection or ejaculation)  4.Jara – senility or old age.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 12 50 - Effect Of Yogasan In The Infertility

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