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Greeshma Vyadhi

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0809 Summer Special 47 - Greeshma Vyadhi

Greeshma Ritu is the last season of Aadaankaal (Uttarayan) (Northeren Solastice). Aadaan means taking away. During this kala, the heat increases slowly signifying the advent of the summer season.  As the heat begins to increase the dosha that begins to aggravate in the summer season is the Pitta dosha or the fiery quality. The other qualities that become predominant are hot, dry as well as light. The lightness increases with the heat. And because of the lightness created by the heat, even Vata gets aggravated. So, Pitta and Vata gradually increase.  Any ‘imbalances’ in these doshas will lead to GreehmaRhutu related disorder.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0809 Summer Special 46 791x1024 - Greeshma Vyadhi

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