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Vol2.Issue2 .Web PDF34 copy - OBESITY

An excessive accumulation of fat in the body is called obesity. In Ayunveda this condition is called medoroga. There are many places in th e body where excessive fat is accumulated. The most common areas are the abdomen, breasts and buttocks. The fat in the body is primarily drawn from the oils,ghees and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink. Normally this fat, during the process of metabolism, produces energy and heat. Fat also enters into the composition of some tissue cells in the human body. For example, the covering material over the nerve fibers contains a type of fatty material. The tissue cells of the brain and the muscles also contain fat. Nature has provided fat to accumulate in some of the joints to avoid friction during movement. Fat in the body is also synthesised from the starchy material taken along with food. When fatty or starchy ingredients of food are taken in excess, fat in excess of the requirement of the body gets deposited in parts of the body. A by-product of fat called cholesterol circulates in the blood vessels and gets deposited in the walls of the vessel resulting in high blood pressure. Excessive fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver and the kidneys. It may also result in diabetes. The most common difficulty the patient experiences because of excessive fat is breathlessness on even Slight exertion. Stich types of patients may even get afflicted by a serious type of asthma.

Intake of fats and carbohydrates in excess results in obesity. Lack of Exercise also helps in the accumulation of fat in the body. Lack of mental work helps in the synthesis of fat from the carbohydrates taken through the food and instead of being consumed, gets deposited in the body.


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