
Vaidya-verse 12

Dr Bhagwan Dash Vaidya is a traditionally trained Ayurvedic Pundit with an MA in Sanskrit and PhD in Tibetan Medicine. He writes regularly for several medical and scientific journals in India and some of his books have been translated into

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Fishy Smell?

It is a well-known fact that perspiration is the prime cause of body odour. While bacteria are the primary cause, there may be underlying causes like excessive sweating, low blood sugar, metabolic dysfunction, menopause or even emotional stress (anger, fear,

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Sleplessness and Ayurvedic Treatment

According to Ayurveda, it is advisable one should eat foods with madhura rasa in the beginning of the mean, as these food are heavy and dense in nature and take more time to get digested. When we start eating, our

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