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Psychosomatic Disorders: Yoga and Ayurveda Perspective

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 05 06 76 a - Psychosomatic Disorders: Yoga and Ayurveda Perspective

The individual consciousness comprises of 5 layers called Panchkosha, they are annamaya kosha (physical body), Pranamaya kosha (vital sheath), manomay kosha (mind), vigyanamaya kosha  (Intellactual body) and Anandamaya kosha (causal body). The advancement in the technology has made our life so easy and luxurious, at the same speed, stress, anxiety; competition also has invaded our lives affecting our physical and mental health.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 05 06 76 - Psychosomatic Disorders: Yoga and Ayurveda Perspective

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