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Ayurvedsutra Issue 523 - TRIGUNA ENERGY QUOTIENT and Tamasic guna

Satish Modh Ph.D. is a keen and disciplined researcher in the field of management studies. His wife Sadhana Modh Ph.D. did a research study on human response in organizations based on the triguna concept. Encouraged by the findings of her Doctoral research he expanded the field of study wide and worked on development of the Triguna Energy Quotient (TEQ)

The Triguna Energy Quotient (TEQTM) is structured as a personality test designed to discover one’s guna composition. This personality quotient is derived from attributes of these gunas as given in chapter 13 to chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita. After more than 15 years of research work on the triguna concept, the current Triguna Energy Quotient (TEQ) has been developed. There are inbuilt validity tests to make the results reliable and consistent.


Ayurvedsutra Issue 523 copy - TRIGUNA ENERGY QUOTIENT and Tamasic guna

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