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Causative Factors of Female Infertility

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Dr Jayalakshmy

 – By Dr Jayalakshmy

 Yoni Pradoshat: The word “Yoni” refers to entire reproductive system. Thus, under this heading, congenital or acquired disease of anatomic components of reproductive system i.e. Vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes can be included. It includes,

  • Yonivyapada: All twenty Yonivyapada (gynecological disorders), if not treated properly cause infertility.
  • Injury to ‘Artava-vaha Srotas’:  ‘Artava-vaha Srotas’ means organs related with the menstrual cycle, when damage by injury results in infertility.
  • Yoniarsha: ‘Yoniarsha’ means any unwanted growth on cervical region produces infertility by destroying the menses.
  • Garbhakosha bhanga: Word ‘Bhanga” also refers to prolapse of uterus or its retro-displacement, is one of the cause of infertility.
  • Bhaga sankocha: During coitus with a girl before her menarche (very young girl), deep lacerations or tear of vulva and vagina may take place. Healed scars of these ulcers may produce constriction of vagina; thus, hamper proper penetration of penis during coitus resulting into incomplete coitus, a cause of infertility.
  • Sphalita Mutratva: ‘Sphalita mutratva’ in girls is also responsible for ‘Vandhyatva’ i.e. partial obstruction or spasm of urethra, for which the most common cause is gonorrhoeal urethritis, because gonococci causes inflammation of reproductive system along with urinary system. Gonorrheal salpingitis is very common cause of infertility.
  • Utkshipta Yoni: Upward displacement of cervix in cases of retro flexion of uterus is one of the causes of infertility.
  •  Aticharana Yoni Vyapata:  Sushruta says that this disease is caused by excessive coitus. It appears to be analogous to vaginal inflammation due to excessive coitus associated with infertility.

Mansika Abhitapa (stress induced infertility): Normal psychology of the Couple is very important for achievement of pregnancy. Fear of doing sex, marital disharmony and infrequent coitus affect the fertility.

Beejadushti: When in Ovum, the gene concerned with uterus is damaged, the progeny becomes sterile.

Artava Dushti: The word ‘Artava’ refers to ovum, menstrual blood, and ovarian hormones. Abnormality of ovum and ovarian hormones may produce infertility.

Aharadosha: Dietetic abnormalities cause infertility in two ways:

  • By producing loss of ‘Dhatus’ (nutrition to the tissues) and that of ‘Dhatvagni’ (Metabolism), thus they influence hormones.
  • By vitiating ‘Doshas’ which cause various gynecological disorders, leading to infertility.

Vihara Dosha: Abnormal mode of life and suppression of natural urges aggravate ‘Doshas’, which produce various gynecological abnormalities. Other than the supine posture of the women during coitus, discharge of semen on ‘Samirana Nadi’ or outside the vagina comes under defective practice. In all these conditions probably semen is not properly deposited inside the vaginal canal. Thus sperms fail to enter uterus causing infertility.

Akala Yoga: The word “Kala” refers to period of age and ‘Rutukala’ (ovulation period) both. In adolescent girls and old ladies due to premenarche and menopause stage respectively and before or after ‘Rutukala’ (ovulation period) due to absence and destruction of ovum respectively, the conception does not take place.

Bala Kshaya: ‘Bala’ refers to physical strength and capacity to become pregnant. Here, infertility due to ‘Bala kshaya’ (loss of strength) may be due to unknown origin or premature aging or any systemic disorder.

AS Blogger Dr Jayalakshmy is a CMO I/C, CGHS Ayurvedic WC, Kingsway Camp, Delhi.

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Praveen Prabhakar

Senior Journalist, Worked with NDTV and HT Group. Out of passion started a new journey. Organizing Soul with Ayurved Sutra looking after business and expansion.